XYZ Stages for Precision Automation

PI XYZ translation stages provide precision multi-axis motion in 3 linear degrees of freedom.  These positioning systems are of the used in precision automation applications, in optics, micro-robotics, imaging and precision assembly.  All PI XYZ motorized positioning stages can be computer controlled with a variety of motion controllers, including simple bench top devices and advanced industrial controllers with EtherCat connectivity. 

PI provides multi-axis gantry solutions , X-Y-Z combinations assembled from individual linear stages and custom systems with custom bracketry and guaranteed orthogonality. 

Rotational axes can also be integrated, for 5 and 6-axis motion applications, hexapod parallel kinematic positioning systems are recommended.

For more information about XYZ-linear sategs, you can read below article:

XYZ-Linear Stages for Industrial Applications

Date of released: 21 jan 2021


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